Muslims often say the phrase بسم الله (pronounced "Bis-mil-laah" / translated "in the name of Allah[God]") when embarking on any endeavor. for example, when waking up, before eating, before sleeping, before wearing clothes, before leaving the house, before starting an exam, before starting a big project, before having sexual intercourse, before turning on the computer... in fact, the Muslim says Bismillaah before doing everything in his life.
The phrase "In the name of..." is an idiom having the connotation of "with the blessings of", "under the governance of", "as an instrument of", "as a representative of", "on behalf of", "with the support of", or "for the glory of". In each of these cases, the idiom "In the name of" indicates that one is submitting to, honoring or glorifying that which is referred to.
The central idea here is that whatever we do, every step that we take, every breath that we breathe, is done for, because of, and through the essence of, the One who has created us.
It is not us that does the work, it is not us that makes opportunities appear, it is not us that produces fruits from every action. We alone are powerless. The Creator has given us life and has given us the ability to move and think and feel, yet we are totally dependent upon the Creator for the very essence of life itself.
Thus, this beautiful word bismillah is a magnificent reminder of our relationship to our Creator and our relationship to all of creation.
In one simple word bismillah expresses our wonder, awe and thankfulness while it also expresses our innermost prayer that we may have the blessing of another breath, another moment of life, and that we may walk on a path of truth and understanding.
one good thing about Bismillaah is that when the Muslim says it, he is remembering his God while doing what he is doing. this will make the Muslim avoid doing sins. for example, you can't say Bismillaah and go to steal or do a crime. this Bismillaah reminds the Muslim of his God, and enables him to keep his doings in what pleases God.
To say bismillah is to humbly offer one's self as a vehicle for the glory and majesty of The One who has power over all.
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